US firm takes over Oman airports deal following contract cancellation

The Government of Oman has appointed American consultants, Hill International, to take over the major expansion and modernisation projects at Muscat and Salalah airports after cancelling the contract of the Cowi-Laursen joint venture team that has been involved for the past five years.
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Cowi-Laursen’s contract ends in December and a statement by the Omani government in October said they would will not be allowed to rebid as Oman Ministry of Transport and Communications had already decided not to renew the contract, saying it doubted the JV's ability to supervise major projects.

The development of Muscat International Airport is worth $1.8bn, while the Salalah Airport project requires an investment of $765m.

Four firms including Dar al Handasah, Hill International, AECOM Middle East and Arcadis showed interest in the consultancy tender.

Hill International, won the deal to take over the work from Cowi-Larsen and will work in close coordination with various contracting firms already involved in the expansion project

The massive flooding caused when Cyclone Gonu struck Oman in June 2007 led to a major redesign of the Muscat airport. At the same time the Sultanate is seeing a growth in passenger numbers and so the Muscat and Salalah airport expansion projects will enhance the passenger handling capacities to 12 million and 2 million, respectively. The expansion is expected to be completed by 2014.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications has set up a National Committee for Airport Development to speed up the massive expansion  programmes of two international airports and development of four green field regional airports.