Tripoli airport reopens after Monday's occupation by armed militia

An Austrian Airlines flight taking off from Tripoli today signified the formal end of the closure of Libya's main airport following the occupation of the facility by armed militia.
Time Aerospace thumbnail

The group had cut the perimeter wire fence and driven armoured trucks onto the runway on Monday from where they exchanged gunfire with government troops. There are reports that a hangar was destroyed by the group.

On Tuesday they left having held negotiations with the government but the airport remained closed.

There is concern that the “third power” – the armed militia -  is causing significant unrest among business people working towards  rebuilding Libya. With small arms available throughout the country various factions are emerging.

A government spokesman said that the airport was back in Government hands and that flights would resume as normal from today.

One of the most frequent users of Tripoli is EgyptAir.

Earlier today Capt Ayman Nasr, EgyptAir chairman & CEO said “EgyptAir will operate the evening flight MS831 at 18:20 from Cairo to Tripoli after receiving the notification of airport reopening.” The airline  operates 21 weekly flights to the Libyan cities with 14 weekly flights to Tripoli and seven to Ben Ghazi.


Picture: occupation of Tripoli airport - (c)