Dubai International Airport Concourse 3 Terminal 3 opens with CEM AC2000 security solution

CEM Systems has announced that its AC2000 security management system has been successfully installed at the new Concourse 3 Terminal 3 in Dubai International Airport.
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The system was delivered by CEM business partners in UAE, Tyco Fire & Security UAE LLC and was chosen to ensure the highest level of security.

Concourse 3, Terminal 3 was part of a multibillion dollar program to upgrade and extend Dubai International Airport, making it one of the world’s largest airports by 2025. The advanced Terminal 3 complex is reportedly the world’s first purpose-built A380 facility, with Concourse 3 alone built to accommodate 18 aircraft stands for exclusive use by Emirates and the Airbus A380 superjumbo.     

“We have worked closely with CEM and Dubai International Airport on providing a highly secure and fully integrated solution for the Concourse 3 Terminal,” said Craig Menzies, security division manager, Tyco Fire & Security UAE LLC.  “Over 1,200 smart card readers were installed to secure airside and landside doors within the airport, with a high-level AC2000 video interface for Dubai International Airport’s preferred video product."

The AC2000 video interface provides the ability to associate access control alarms with real-time or pre-recorded digital video clips. This enables AC2000 to act as the central command and control for alarm management.

“Dubai International Airport joins some of the world’s most prestigious aviation sites by selecting the CEM AC2000 system to secure Concourse 3, Terminal 3," said Philip Verner, regional sales director EMEA, CEM Systems. “As one of the world’s largest and most progressive airports, we are proud that Dubai International Airport has selected a CEM solution and we look forward to working in partnership with them on their future development plans.”
CEM also developed a two-way BACnet interface to enable fire alarms to be managed on the main AC2000 alarm handling graphical user interface (GUI).  With one fully integrated, platform for video, access and fire alarm management, the customer has a central view of all alarms throughout Concourse 3.     
CEM also provided a boarding and deplaning route management (BDRM) solution to aid the flow of arriving and departing passengers and support the extensive use of double boarding bridges for the A380.