Abu Dhabi: TSA supports ACI-IATA initiative on airline security

Speaking on partnership and innovation, Administrator Pekoske (pictured right) went on to say that innovation was one of his major focus areas. "Initiatives such as Smart Security Management Group where airlines, airports, and regulators exchange best practices and develop guidance on checkpoint screening technologies exemplify how we can collaborate to improve security detection capabilities and make this future state possible."
The Smart Security programme provides an example of how a more sustainable, efficient and effective passenger screening process can be implemented to strengthen security, increase operational efficiency and improve the passenger experience. A great deal of progress has been made so far, including changes to processes, configuration and technology in many major airports. The next challenge for Smart Security will be further testing and piloting of advanced screening technologies to increase detection capability without having a negative impact on operations.
With the continuous and evolving security threat challenging the aviation industry, and a strong demand for compliance with standards coming from the UN Security Council, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and governments, it has become imperative that airports have the most effective, appropriate and cost effective security measures in place. This was highlighted in ICAO's Global Aviation Security Plan (GASeP), endorsed by the ICAO Council last week and fully supported by ACI. The GASeP highlights both the need for innovation, exemplified by Smart Security, and for better implementation of current standards. To further strengthen its work with airports in aviation security, ACI has announced the launch of the Airport Excellence (APEX) in Security programme.
APEX in Security plays a key role in helping airports understand where they can improve throughout the airport, in terms of security standards, best practices and operational efficiency.
APEX in Security provides a peer to peer review of airport security based on international
standards and recommended practices, supplemented by airport best practices and the expert
views of seasoned practitioners from airports around the world.
Building on the success of the APEX in Security pilot review in Mauritius, six further pilots were
conducted at ACI Member airports in Africa and Asia Pacific, and a strong pipeline of reviews is
now in place for 2018.
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