Aviassist announces new series of focus sessions
AviAssist, which supports aviation safety and promotion in African, has revealed a new seven-part series of its Focus Sessions.
The sessions deliver access to the world’s best practices on safety promotion.
The new series will debut globally on Wednesday June 21, with production already underway. Access to this new series of Focus Sessions is once again free with registration via the website and web shop www.aviassist.org/shop
The Focus Sessions offer a deep dive into aviation safety. They document the aspirations, accomplishments, and personal lives of safety professionals. The series follows major safety promotion stories and benefits from lessons learned across Africa and the globe. It documents the lessons that leading professionals have learned to support the safety of our industry.
Each episode in the second season of the series spotlights safety issues that impact the work of aviation professionals in Africa.
AviAssist and TATA-online.net jointly produce the series in Hilversum, the broadcasting capital of the Netherlands.
“We’ll continue to produce a diverse range of unique shows with some of the most original and creative minds in safety promotion in the months ahead,” said Erik Huizinga of TATA- online.net in the Netherlands. “Aviation is one of the industries for which we have produced programs for over twenty years, building on my former career in aviation. We can’t wait for audiences all over Africa to connect with these informative, inspiring, and entertaining discussions once again.”
Tom Kok, director AviAssist, added: “Tata-online.net has thrown us a lifeline during the hard times of the Corona pandemic. They helped us innovate our safety promotion and make safety promotion available to all corners of Africa. The Focus Sessions are produced for Africa but their content is just as relevant for other regions in the world. It is humbling to play a small role in ensuring that African professionals get more and more included in the global aviation safety community.”
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