GCAA calls for greater understanding of wake vortex after safety reports filed

The UAE civil aviation authority GCAA has called for a new study on wake vortex incidents in the emirates following a number of referrals in the authority's safety reporting scheme - particularly referring to the A380.
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Last week  GCAA hosted a workshop to focus primarily on wake vortex turbulence incidents.   The workshop came after GCAA staff had analysed safety reports and realized the need for more extensive studies, and organized the workshop to bring together major air operators and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs),. Manufacturer Airbus also attended.

Ismaeil Al Balooshi, executive director, safety affairs of GCAA, highlighted the challenges faced by the aviation sector in respect of wake vortex turbulence. During the event, Captain Claude Lelaie from Airbus Industrie presented performance data related to the impact of wake vortices on various aircraft types, with specific focus on Airbus' A380.
The workshop aimed at raising awareness of this specific type of incidents, while developing clearer understanding of separation standards between aircrafts to ensure safety of flights.
Being the federal entity responsible for aviation safety in the UAE, GCAA introduced the Reporting of Safety Incident system (ROSI) in 2010 - a centralized web-based reporting system. Since its launch, air operators are regularly reporting wake turbulence related incidents to GCAA through ROSI. Analysis of safety data enables GCAA to identify area of concerns in coordination with aviation industry members.
GCAA is set to form a work group to monitor wake turbulence incidents and support initiatives to improve airspace management and aircraft handling while encountering wake turbulence. The Authority is also planning to issue an information bulletin to promote awareness and encourage training on wake vortex turbulence.