UAE to add security tax for airline passengers

The UAE's civil aviation authority the GCAA is preparing the mechanism to begin imposing a security tax on passengers using the country's airports
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The new tax - which has been set at AED5 - aproximately $1.40 - will come into effect on July 28th according to a the ministerial decree No 16/2011  issued by Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, who is the vice-president and prime minister of the UAE and the ruler of Dubai.

According the the Dubai newspaper Khaleej Times, GCAA is still determining whether the fee will be charged direct at the airport, or added to the cost of the ticket via the airlines as in many other countries that are applying direct taxation to air travellers.

The paper reported that children under two years, cabin crew and transit passengers are excluded from the tax.

Under the decree, the fee will be made collectable when the air ticket is purchased regardless of where the ticket is bought from or issued which suggests that an addition to the ticket price is the most likely collection point.