Falcon Aviation moves into Angola's helicopter market
It will be primarily targeting the oil and gas sector as well as the VIP market through charter operations. The venture will offer IOGP compliant aircraft, essential for international oil and gas operations
Turaco is a locally registered company and Falcon has operating experience in the United Arab of Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Senegal and Ghana from its Abu Dhabi home base.
“We intend for this to be a long-lasting and sustainable partnership which adds value to the existing offers in the market by offering a service of excellence that is highly focused on safety and compliance,” said Albano da Costa, Turaco’s general manager.
“This marks a significant expansion for Falcon Aviation in Africa.” said Captain Ramandeep Oberoi, the chief operating officer at FAS. “Looking ahead, we see potential and unique opportunities, especially for the Oil and Gas sector in Africa, to provide safe, reliable services increase efficiency and productivity”, he added.
Falcon Aviation - wide experience of rotary craft in the oil and gas sector (Image:FAS)
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