Egypt Airshow: Czechs bounce in Egypt with high hopes

Aero Vodochody Aerospace recently handed over the first six L-39NG jets to its first customer, the Vietnamese Air Force.

Viktor Sotona, chairman and president of Aero Vodochody Aerospace. Image: BillyPix

This month it also announced the first aircraft was also set to be delivered to LOM PRAHA, a domestic company that trains pilots for the Czech Air Force.

But now Aero is now focusing on the African continent, and is exhibiting the L-39NG at the newly inaugurated International Egyptian Airshow. Viktor Sotona, chairman and president of Aero Vodochody Aerospace said: “We are returning to the African continent, where Aero has a great tradition, because we believe the L-39NG has huge potential here. Egypt is strategically located and important in regional security and defence.

“It’s growing demand for modern trainer aircraft and its ambition to remain a leading country is a perfect match for Aero's expertise. Our partnership with Egypt has historical roots dating back to the 1960s when it was a user of several generations of our aircraft,” said Sotona.

“We see interest from African countries growing. The versatility and cost-effectiveness of the L-39NG make it an attractive option for countries looking to modernise their training fleet. The L-39NG is a modern successor to the highly successful L-39 Albatros, of which Aero has produced 3,000 units. For many countries around the world, including Africa, the L-39NG represents the easiest transition to modern pilot training.”

The L-39NG also comes in the light attack version, which offers air forces a flexible and cost-effective solution for a variety of operational needs.

While serving primarily as an advanced jet trainer. It can also carry a variety of payloads. “The L-39NG has five hard points for a variety of weapons and mission equipment, such as guided and unguided bombs, machine guns, guided and unguided missiles, and additional tanks, up to 1,650 tons,” Sotona said.

“It can also be used as a light combat aircraft against ground and air targets, including close air support as well as boasting a rapid response capability, unmatched four hours endurance and operational range make it suitable for ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) roles such as border and maritime patrol and other missions.”

In Egypt, Aero is exploring several cooperative initiatives with the air force, including providing L-39NG aircraft as the backbone of their training programmes. The goal is to support Egypt in developing a robust and modernised training programme for their pilots.

“In addition, we have long experience in manufacturing and assembling aircraft in Africa. We are also considering establishing an MRO centre there. This would not only support the L-39NG fleet, but also strengthen local capabilities and provide faster and more efficient service to our customers in the region. We offer solutions tailored to the specific operational and environmental needs of Egypt and African countries, including avionics customisation and munitions compatibility. Our aircraft is non-ITAR so offering unrestricted global operations and simplified aircraft procurement. We are the only platform that supports both Eastern and Western weapon systems, smoothing the transition from Eastern to Western weaponry.

The L-39NG meets Egypt's requirements for a modern and cost-effective trainer aircraft.

“With its global platform, it enables the transition to modern fourth and fifth generation fighters such as the F-16, MiG-29 or Rafale. Our ground-based training system together with on-board virtual training offers a cutting-edge hybrid training solution and reduces overall training time and cost. The L-39NG is the only advanced jet trainer that can offer both Western and Eastern avionics platforms and can be further changed and modified in service.”