Business France to attend AIME/MRO trade shows
As the only national booth at these shows, the French Pavilion should once again attract the attention of key players in the region, thanks to the diversity and know-how of its exhibitors. Increasing demand from the Middle East, as a result of the expansion of local airline fleets and the entry into service of new-generation aircrafts, can undoubtedly be satisfied by the expertise of the French companies represented.
The French aerospace industry is particularly active on the international markets, accounting for 13% of France's exports. Its strength lies in its ability to take advantage of the growth in air transport, by placing continued emphasis on research and innovation (approximately 14% of the sector's turnover goes into R&D).
Business France
Business France is the national agency supporting the international development of the French economy, responsible for fostering export growth by French businesses, as well as promoting and facilitating international investment in France. It promotes France’s companies, business image and nationwide attractiveness as an investment location, and also runs the VIE international internship programme. Business France has recently launched its first international campaign called: “Creative France”, in order to promote France’s economic attractiveness, strengthen perceptions towards France image and create positive conditions for French economic development.
Up to 20 French companies will be attending AIME/MRO. Among these firms, 12 are based in the Occitanie region of France and will be supported by the Madeeli development agency.
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