BIAS: GAA trains in on a show hat-trick
Bahrain-based Gulf Aviation Academy (GAA) is launching and promoting three training solutions during the show, demonstrating its new augmented reality, virtual reality, and e-learning capabilities.
The company is providing a progressive VR solution, currently with a focus on ground training, but with plans to expand to other training segments.
Salama Ali, head of marketing and business development, said: “Our modules are ready are for ground training, but our teams are working on other functions, such cabin crew and pilot training, due to start next year.
“We have worked with subject matter experts to ensure that our offerings meet the regulatory requirements, so whatever people used to do in physical and theoretical training is done, monitored and examined through VR.
“Once a session is completed people will get a score. And, with that score, the training department can understand if they are entitled to continue their jobs or if they need further examination.”
However, GAA is not just selling the training solution; it is selling the entire platform.
Ali added: “Training academies, airline or airport management companies can buy the platform, and either have the ready content, or open the floor for programmers within the company to develop their own content, and upload it in the platform, which they can then resell if they wish.”
Another reveal at the show is the move into e-learning. Ali explained: “We have another platform for training management systems and learning management systems, through which the HR or training department of any company can mandate the training for every employee through different levels.
“As people pass each assessment level the system automatically schedules the next session, until they reach a certain score that is acceptable to HR.
“This can be done at any time, even when travelling, as people simply log in and do their assessment.
“We currently only cover the aviation industry, but will expand to cover other sectors. It is part of our vision to grow our training globally.”
The third reveal is the addition of a maintenance engineering type rating course for the Airbus A320.
Ramla Abdulrasool, manager quality assurance, said: “We are the first vocational training centre in aviation in Bahrain that has eight of our programmes approved as per the national education and training quality authority qualification framework at level 8, which is equivalent to bachelor’s degree.
“We have now launched the A320 programme and expect the first cohort in the first quarter of the new year.”
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