Traffic numbers continue to grow at Dubai International

Passenger traffic at Dubai International passed the 4.5 million mark for the fourth consecutive month, according to the April traffic report issued by Dubai Airports yesterday.
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Figures showed 4,566,673, passengers passed through the airport - an increase of 7.8 per cent compared to April 2011 – and firmly established Dubai International as the world’s fourth busiest hub for international passengers and freight.

The year to date figures have reached 18,828,279, a rise of 13.9 per cent over the same period of last year.

Dubai International recorded a total of 28,503 aircraft movements in April, up 7.2 per cent compared to last year.

Most popular connections were to other GCC countries, with Africa second. Western Europe was third.

The fastest growing region was South America as a result of Emirates introducing flights there leading to an increase of 92%.

The latest report also showed cargo handling up by almost 4%.