New terminal at Muscat International reaches halfway point

The new $1.7bn terminal at Muscat International Airport has passed the halfway stage, with the new runway, control tower and civil Aviation headquarters due to be complete by 2014, said Oman's Minister of transport and communications who paid a visit to the site this week.
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Oman News Agency said that Oman's Minister of transport and communications,  Minister Dr Ahmed bin Mohammed al-Futaisi , paid a visit to the site this week where he announced that the project was now 52% complete. He added that a new Testing and Training Centre was also being set up at the airport to test new aeronautical technologies. 

The terminal is expected to handle 12 million passengers annually.

Further expansions planned in three subsequent phases will ultimately boost the airport’s annual capacity to 24, 36 and 48 million passengers when the demand is required. 

The new terminal at Salalah Airport, in the south of the country, envisages an expansion of capacity to 1 million passengers annually by 2014. The airport has been designed to allow for further expansions to cater for future demand growth to 2 and 6 million passengers annually when the demand is required.