EBACE: Rotana joins the Dubai jet set - but eyes Al Bateen as base

Rotana Jet is the latest business aviation operator to get an AOC to begin charter operations in the UAE.
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The Dubai-based company is expected to be signing a deal with Al Bateen executive airport in Abu Dhabi within the next few weeks.

Chief executive of the new company Horm Irani and commercial manager Iris Gotz were in Geneva at the European business aviation show, EBACE,  this week to meet both brokers and other operators.

Rotana – there is no connection to the hotel group with the same name – has begun operations with a Gulfstream G450 and 15 staff.

The operator hopes to add an Embraer Legacy 600 and an ACJ319 to its books in the near future.

“There has been talks of saturation in this market,” said Irani, who   was previously Execujet manager in Dubai and an aviation consultant. “We have seen some consolidation and we believe the time is right for us to enter the market.

“The market for large business jets is sound in the region. There is demand for groups of around 13 to 14 people to fly with lots of baggage to Europe and Asia. The heavy metal is where we see the investment.”

Irani said the company would extend its aircraft management and charter operation into ownership, consulting and line maintenance.

“We have strong support from our owner and have the opportunity and the resources to succeed.”

According to Gotz, the company is offering enhanced concierge service for its customers – and a move to Al Bateen will, she said, take the passenger experience to another level.

Irani said Rotana sees greater growth potential from the Gulf but is also eyeing India. “There are a lot of advantages being positioned where we are,” Irani said. “We see opportunities in the Indian market and would expect to be present there in the future.”