Bahrain's new ATM system comes on line

Bahrain's new air traffic management system is now operational.
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Thales working with Bahrain company Mena Aerospace handed over the system last week to the Bahrain Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA).

The new system is based on Thales TopSky-ATC, one of the world’s most advanced air traffic management solutions. The project was delivered on time after an 18 month development, and includes a state of the art automation system located at the BCAA control centre. 

This system includes dual Area Control Centres (ACC) and dual Approach (APP) controller positions as well as a complete ATM system in the two control towers on the Bahrain International Airport

The BCAA is responsible for providing air navigation services to airspace users of the Bahrain Flight Information Region (FIR) and Bahrain International Airport. The Thales TopSky-ATC solution was selected after a competitive tender process, forming part of the Authority’s efforts to enhance Bahrain International Airport’s operational capabilities and facilitate faster traffic handling operations to cover both the approach and en-route segments for the entirety of the Bahrain FIR.

Thales also provided the TopSky-ATC simulator with Exercise Editor (EED) for the training of BCAA staff as well as an information display System (or Information System Services), an added functionality which gives air traffic controllers access to a wide range of support functions such as meteorological info, Aeronautical Information Publications (AIPs), and web portals, all accessible on controller’s screens.

Remi Gille, Thales VP and Thales Head of Air Traffic Management said: “In striving to build a world class air traffic network in the Middle East, key clients such as the BCAA are creating a cutting edge air transport market. The strength of the partnerships we are forging and in-roads we are making in this region is once again demonstrated by BCAA’s selection of our state of the art TopSky solution. We can all say we are very proud of this latest success, which further consolidates our position as a key player in the Middle East and world leader in air traffic management”.