ATNS to launch human factors symposium in South African safety conference

The Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) SOC, in collaboration with the University of Witwatersrand, University of Pretoria and Ergonomic Society of South Africa, is to host the first-ever three-day Symposium on Human Factors in South Africa, themed “Integrating Human & Systems Performance in Aviation Safety”
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ATNS is combining with academics and industry stakeholders, to form new alliances and foster better partnerships. This is done primarily to defuse the double penalty that frontline operators face on a daily basis, in responding to what Charles Perrow (1999) refers to as “mysterious interactions of failures in our daily work”.

The common objectives during this symposium which takes place in Boksburg, South Africa from January 28th are to re-focus on human factors, in order to "improve our safety system’s ability to organise and/or match the inherent hazards within the aviation industry," ATNS said..

“As ATNS, we are committed to improving our understanding of human factors in aviation safety. We are also looking at various ways to improve our safety systems, by limiting human error and inhibiting the less desirable impact of such systems on human performance,” the organization said,

Various well-respected industry experts and selected international speakers will be in attendance.