Airport Show: Fujairah Airport to install new generation radars

Fujairah International Airport has announced that it has selected ALES for the supply of Air Traffic Control System and ERA for the Wide Area Multilateration radar. The announcement was made at the Airport Show in Dubai this week.
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The 10-million-dirham deal will include a full automation of the Air Control Center and an advanced surveillance solution based on the proven Multilateration and ADS-B technology.   

ALES will install the latest LETVIS system for airspace control consisting of radar data displays, voice and data recording system, flight data processing system, and ATC simulator. The system is based on the open, modular, and secure architecture enabling customized and progressive system composition. ALES will implement state-of-the-art technologies using the latest multi-sensor tracker developed to meet ICAO and Eurocontrol requirements.

ERA will install the proven next-generation wide area multilateration and ADS-B systems to provide surveillance data for arriving and departing traffic through Fujairah airspace; this technology delivers high performance and high availability surveillance solution that is ideally suitable for all stages of flights from surface covering to en route. The output data will be fused into the ALES LETVIS Radar Display Systems.