ADB Airfield Solutions improves airfield safety at O.R. Tambo International Airport

Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) has awarded two contracts to ADB for the upgrade of Johannesburg's O.R. Tambo International Airport. These projects are part of ACSA's efforts to maintain the competitiveness of the airport, which as Southern Africa's primary air transport hub, boasts of an impressive infrastructure.
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“Well maintained airport infrastructure is vital to an airport’s growth and profitability, and ACSA aims to achieve this by continuing the modernization process at O.R. Tambo International Airport,” said Christian Onselaere, CEO ADB. “Our projects will enable just that - the CAT III instrument landing system* will ensure steady revenues as the airfield will be operational even in the most extreme weather conditions. Furthermore, our energy efficient airfield ground lighting will lower both energy and maintenance costs.”     

ADB will install a CAT III NORMARC Instrument Landing System from Indra Navia on Runway 21L. As part of a separate project, the company will install additional taxiway centerline lighting to support the airport’s move to a CAT III airfield, and replace the airport’s existing taxiway lighting with its new LED-based AD Lights. ADB will also upgrade the Fluorescent Illuminated Guidance Signs Type PVO to LED Guidance Signs Type PVLs to ease maintenance and lower maintenance costs.

The projects are scheduled to be completed by March 2013.