ADAC's ICS department achieves ISO20000 & ISO27001 certifications

ADAC announced today that the company's information & communication systems department has achieved both the ISO20000 certification for service management and ISO27001 certification for information security.
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These certifications are in line with the requirements of Abu Dhabi Systems & Information Centre (ADSIC).

ISO/IEC 20000 is an internationally recognised service management system (SMS) standard which has assisted ICS in adopting the best practices towards IT Service Management (ITSM), thereby effectively supporting IT Services to be in-line with ADAC business objectives. The ITIL v3 (IT Infrastructure Library) process framework was adopted for the ISO / IEC 20000:2011 certificate achievement.

The overall benefit of adhering to this standard is ensuring the commitment of ADAC management towards evolving business needs and the continuous improvement of the system. This standard provides a benchmark comparison with best practices and creates competitive advantage through the promotion of consistent and cost effective services.

ISO27001, the second certificate achieved by ADAC, is an internationally recognised standard dedicated to Information Security Management. The main objective of this certification standard is to help establish and maintain an effective information management system. The standard covers all the main security issues from a manager's viewpoint, and goes into significant depth in explaining best practice. The ISO27001 standard specifies requirements for the establishment, implementation, monitoring and review, maintenance and improvement of an overall management and control framework to monitor and manage an organisation’s information security risks.

ADAC now joins the league of very few organisations in the UAE to have successfully achieved these certifications following detailed and successful audits as a result of its continuous dedication to comply with internationally recognised standards.

Hamed Al Hashemi, vice president of information and communication services (ICS) at ADAC, commented: “The ICS department is pleased to crown its team’s efforts over the past two years with receiving the esteemed ISO 20000 & ISO27001 certifications. ADAC is proud to be one of UAE’s leading companies in achieving both certifications and would like to extend its deepest appreciation to all the teams involved during the audit process and who played a major role in actualising this achievement.”

“Both the certifications have ensured that the Service Management System and Information Security System are adhering to global standards and we hope to reap the benefits of their implementation in accordance to ADAC’s strategic goals” added Al Hashemi.