ADAC implements Oracle E-Business Suite

Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC) announced today the completion of the first phase of the Oracle E-Business Suite implementation.
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ADAC announced that the implementation of the Oracle E-Business suite offers integration, scalability and streamlining of business processes to drive efficient services to customers and stakeholders, and contributes towards the overall growth of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates.

The first phase of the project has laid the foundations of automation and integration of key business areas like finance and budgeting, procurement, human resources and real estate management, as well as consolidating its diverse revenue billing streams in a single tightly integrated web-based solution. The suite replaces around 60 applications, including revenue solutions, onto one common platform thus providing a single source of information that provides a quantum leap in operational efficiency and scalability.

The second phase, due for completion in late 2012, will further enhance customer service capabilities through maximising the utilisation of the Oracle B2B platform.  This phase will expand its integration scope to include airport operation systems, advanced human resources and learning modules, advanced procurement functions, CRM, performance management, business intelligence tools and compliance.

Abdul Majeed Al Khoori, chief financial officer of ADAC commented: “In line with its strategic vision of becoming a leading Airports group, ADAC’s decision to undertake this challenging project was aimed at taking the company and its group of subsidiaries to the next level in operational efficiency and productivity, so as to provide world class services to customers, partners and stakeholders. The implementation has been challenging in its complexity, breadth, scope and stringent timeline, and was successfully achieved through the commitment and dedication of every individual involved in this project. ADAC is fully confident that it will benefit from the ultimate objectives of this project.”