ACI World Assembly to take place in Mauritius

Airports are a component of a dynamic industry, continually causing and adapting to change, whether from technological developments inside of or external to the industry, generational, regional or local demographic shifts, geopolitical trends or shocks or other forces. The theme of this year’s conference recognizes that whatever the set of changes, airports play a crucial role in the economic and social health of communities, countries, regions and the world at large, and they must craft a strategy for their sustainable development to continue those benefits.
“Bold leadership goes beyond success under the present circumstances,” said Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI World. “It means having an objective view of the future, with a rational appetite for risk, understanding that standing still may be the riskiest option of all.As the voice of the world’s airports, ACI seeks to chart the course for a safe, secure, sustainable and economically viable future for the world’s airports and the communities they serve.
“We have the unique position of being able to bring together airport practitioners from around the world, and use this knowledge-base to make credible proposals for changes to the international regulatory framework and develop programmes that meet our members’ needs. Airports are economic and social engines, they are leaders in connecting people, culture and commerce and ACI intends to ensure this as a constant,” concluded Gittens.
“ACI Africa looks forward to welcoming leaders in the aviation community, in their respective areas of expertise—from economics and finance, to safety, security, environment and customer service—to the region,” said Ali Tounsi, Secretary General, ACI Africa. Collaboration is the foundation by which we will continue moving forward collectively. In the end, we all have one single goal: to lead the industry responsibly and sustainably.”
“It is a matter of great pride for AML to host the 27th ACI Africa/ World Annual General Assembly, Conference & Exhibition,” said Romesh Bhoyroo, Chief Executive Officer, AML. “We are indeed thankful to ACI for the trust they have placed in us. It is a great opportunity for us to showcase the tremendous progress realized by our airport and to demonstrate the close ties we have established with ACI through their numerous airport excellence programmes. We therefore look forward to welcoming all delegates on the beautiful island of Mauritius, for the forthcoming conference which holds numerous promises for the benefit of the aviation sector both in Africa and the world.”
The conference’s session topics will include: creating a strong security culture; transforming the journey through technology and innovation; taxes, connectivity and sustainable tourism; airport service marketing and network development; wildlife trafficking; and, what constitutes an ACI Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Award winning airport? ACI will also host the ASQ Awards Ceremony at the Gala Dinner on 17 October 2017 to celebrate those airportswhose customers have rated them the highest in the ASQ Survey over the course of the year.
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