Abu Dhabi Airports Company moves to electronic procurement system

Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC) has announced a five year contract with Tejari to implement eProcurement technology across all contracting and supply management systems. ADAC will use the technology to enhance buyer and supplier interaction throughout the organisation.
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The agreement marks ADAC’s strive towards efficient and transparent operation by supporting automation, governance and control in the procurement processes within the organization. Under the agreement, ADAC’s eTendering and eVendor activities will be managed though an eSourcing portal using Tejari’s technology.  
H.E. Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi, the minister of foreign trade, and founder of Tejari Tejari, commented: “The aviation industry is very competitive and demanding, and this is where technology and best practices can make a significant difference by driving time, process and cost savings”
H.E. Ali Majid Al Mansoori, chairman of ADAC, added: “As ADAC’s airports continue to grow and develop, and as service offerings increase, having an efficient and effective procurement system in place will allow ADAC to better analyze solutions and challenges, and make smart and transparent business decisions. ADAC looks forward to increased dialogue with vendors and to passing on the conveniences the new technology will allow for to our many business partners.” 
Saeed Al Zaabi, SVP procurement and logistics of ADAC added: “It is anticipated that the system will be used by over 100 end users. ADAC procurement professionals, managing over 2,200 purchase order transactions and 100 contracts per year, strive to deliver world-class quality service and cost effectiveness. The eProcurment technologies offered by Tejari will most certainly add to the efficiency and transparency of the ADAC’s procurement services, a target that the company is committed to continuously achieve.”