Royal Jordanian ranked in top 20 global airlines list listed RJ as one of the top 20 safest airlines in the world in its list of “Top Twenty Safest Airlines 2020”, selected from a pool of 405 different airlines it monitors.
Among the top 20 safest airlines are four Arab airlines: Etihad, Qatar Airways, Emirates and Royal Jordanian. Australia’s Qantas topped the list, ranking 1st.
The safety-rating system in this list was developed based on different factors, including airlines' compliance with international regulations, the age of their fleet of aircraft, safety innovation, operational excellence and the utilization of new, more advanced, aircraft like Boeing 787 and Airbus A350.
RJ’s President/CEO Stefan Pichler said: “We are pleased with this rating among other big international carriers. RJ, has been known for its great record in safety and operations for the past 56 years, a result of the hard work of its employees who are keen to maintain this high standard. We will continue the hard work to keep our high international position and improve our operations, products and services, thus making sure to always offer our passengers the best.”
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